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William Blake "Jerusalem, Chapter 2. Every ornament of perfection..." (Plate 28)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Jerusalem, Chapter 2. Every ornament of perfection..." (Plate 28)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Then the Divine Vision like a silent Sun..." (Plate 29)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Then the Divine Vision like a silent Sun..." (Plate 29)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "To the Public. After my three years slumber..." (Plate 3)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"To the Public. After my three years slumber..." (Plate 3)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Turning his back to the Divine Vision..." (Plate 33)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Turning his back to the Divine Vision..." (Plate 33)
1804 to 1820
William Blake IV. "The eternal gates terrific porter lifted the northern bar..." (Plate 8)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
IV. "The eternal gates terrific porter lifted the northern bar..." (Plate 8)
William Blake "By Satan's Watch-fiends tho' they search..." (Plate 39)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"By Satan's Watch-fiends tho' they search..." (Plate 39)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Los shudder'd at beholding Albion..." (Plate 40)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Los shudder'd at beholding Albion..." (Plate 40)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Bath who is Legions..." (Plate 41)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Bath who is Legions..." (Plate 41)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "With one accord in love sublime..." (Plate 44)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"With one accord in love sublime..." (Plate 44)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Bath, mild Physician of Eternity..." (Plate 46)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Bath, mild Physician of Eternity..." (Plate 46)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Jerusalem, Chapter 1. Of the Sleep of Ulro!..." (Plate 4)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Jerusalem, Chapter 1. Of the Sleep of Ulro!..." (Plate 4)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Thus Albion sat, studious of others..." (Plate 42)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Thus Albion sat, studious of others..." (Plate 42)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "They saw their Wheels rising up poisonous..." (Plate 43)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"They saw their Wheels rising up poisonous..." (Plate 43)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "His western heaven with rocky clouds..." (Plate 31)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"His western heaven with rocky clouds..." (Plate 31)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Leaning against the pillars..." (Plate 32)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Leaning against the pillars..." (Plate 32)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Then the Divine hand found the Two Limits..." (Plate 35)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Then the Divine hand found the Two Limits..." (Plate 35)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Reuben return'd to his place, in vain..." (Plate 36)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Reuben return'd to his place, in vain..." (Plate 36)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Elevate into the Region of Brotherhood..." (Plate 34)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Elevate into the Region of Brotherhood..." (Plate 34)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "And One stood forth from the Divine Family..." (Plate 37)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"And One stood forth from the Divine Family..." (Plate 37)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "His face and bosom with petrific hardness..." (Plate 38)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"His face and bosom with petrific hardness..." (Plate 38)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Bath, healing City!..." (Plate 45)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Bath, healing City!..." (Plate 45)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "To the Jews..." (Plate 27)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"To the Jews..." (Plate 27)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "And the Two that escaped..." (Plate 30)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"And the Two that escaped..." (Plate 30)
1804 to 1820
William Blake Night the First. On Life, Death and Immortality; Title Page
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
Night the First. On Life, Death and Immortality; Title Page
ca. 1797
William Blake 'Teaching, we learn; and giving, we retain' (Page 35)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
'Teaching, we learn; and giving, we retain' (Page 35)
ca. 1797
William Blake 'Angels should paint it, angels ever there' (Page 40)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
'Angels should paint it, angels ever there' (Page 40)
ca. 1797
William Blake 'Where sense runs savage broke from reason's chain' (Page 46)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
'Where sense runs savage broke from reason's chain' (Page 46)
ca. 1797
William Blake 'This King of Terrors is the Prince of Peace' (Page 63)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
'This King of Terrors is the Prince of Peace' (Page 63)
ca. 1797
William Blake "Malignant Fate sat by, and smil'd, The slipp'ry verge her feet beguil'd..." (Design 11)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"Malignant Fate sat by, and smil'd, The slipp'ry verge her feet beguil'd..." (Design 11)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "A brace of warriors... rustling in their silks and tissues..."(Design 27)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"A brace of warriors... rustling in their silks and tissues..."(Design 27)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "Up stairs in a whirlwind rattle..." (Design 29)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"Up stairs in a whirlwind rattle..." (Design 29)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake The Purple Year awaking from the Roots of Nature (Design 3)
William Blake, 1757–1827
The Purple Year awaking from the Roots of Nature (Design 3)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "At the chapel-door stand sentry... (Design 31)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"At the chapel-door stand sentry... (Design 31)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "With screaming Horror's funeral cry, Despair, and fell Disease, and ghastly Poverty..." Design 39)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"With screaming Horror's funeral cry, Despair, and fell Disease, and ghastly Poverty..." Design 39)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake A Welch Bard (Design 53)
William Blake, 1757–1827
A Welch Bard (Design 53)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake Elizabeth. "Girt with many a Baron bold..." (Design 63)
William Blake, 1757–1827
Elizabeth. "Girt with many a Baron bold..." (Design 63)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake Sigtryg with the Silken Beard (Design 69)
William Blake, 1757–1827
Sigtryg with the Silken Beard (Design 69)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake The Serpent who Girds the Earth (Design 77)
William Blake, 1757–1827
The Serpent who Girds the Earth (Design 77)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "Him the dog of darkness spied..." (Design 79)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"Him the dog of darkness spied..." (Design 79)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "Fear to stop, and shame to fly..." (Design 91)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"Fear to stop, and shame to fly..." (Design 91)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "Somevillage-Hampden, that with dauntless breast, The little tyrant of his fields withstood..," (Design 111)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"Somevillage-Hampden, that with dauntless breast, The little tyrant of his fields withstood..," (Design 111)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "Her Henry's holy shade..." (Design 15)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"Her Henry's holy shade..." (Design 15)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "To chase the rolling circle's speed..." (Design 17)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"To chase the rolling circle's speed..." (Design 17)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "Ambition this shall tempt to rise, The whirl the wretch from high..." (Design 19)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"Ambition this shall tempt to rise, The whirl the wretch from high..." (Design 19)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake A Circular Dance (Design 23)
William Blake, 1757–1827
A Circular Dance (Design 23)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake The Beginning of Poesy. The Blind Begging Bard (Design 41)
William Blake, 1757–1827
The Beginning of Poesy. The Blind Begging Bard (Design 41)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "The laughing flowers, that round them blow, Drink life and fragrance as they flow..." (Design 43)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"The laughing flowers, that round them blow, Drink life and fragrance as they flow..." (Design 43)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "Where shaggy forms o'er ice-built mountains roam..." (Design 47)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"Where shaggy forms o'er ice-built mountains roam..." (Design 47)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "Hark, how each giant -oak, and desert-cave, Sigh to the torrent's awful voice beneath!..." (Design 57)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"Hark, how each giant -oak, and desert-cave, Sigh to the torrent's awful voice beneath!..." (Design 57)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "O'er thy country hangs The scourge of Heav'n..." (Design 59)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"O'er thy country hangs The scourge of Heav'n..." (Design 59)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "Fell thirst and famine scowl A baleful smile upon their baffled guest..." (Design 61)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"Fell thirst and famine scowl A baleful smile upon their baffled guest..." (Design 61)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake The Three Fatal Sisters (Design 67)
William Blake, 1757–1827
The Three Fatal Sisters (Design 67)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake The Prophetess Rising from Her Grave (Design 81)
William Blake, 1757–1827
The Prophetess Rising from Her Grave (Design 81)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "A wond'rous boy shall Rinda bear, Who ne'er shall comb his raven hair..." (Design 83)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"A wond'rous boy shall Rinda bear, Who ne'er shall comb his raven hair..." (Design 83)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "Hie thee hence, and boast at home..." (Design 85)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"Hie thee hence, and boast at home..." (Design 85)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake The Bard Singing Owen's Praise (Design 89)
William Blake, 1757–1827
The Bard Singing Owen's Praise (Design 89)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake The Pensive Selima, "Her ears of jet, and emerald eyes, She saw; and purr'd applause..." (Design 9)
William Blake, 1757–1827
The Pensive Selima, "Her ears of jet, and emerald eyes, She saw; and purr'd applause..." (Design 9)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake Windsor Terrace, a Boy Contemplating a Distant View of Eton College (Design 13)
William Blake, 1757–1827
Windsor Terrace, a Boy Contemplating a Distant View of Eton College (Design 13)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "Where ignorance is bliss, 'Tis folly to be wise." (Design 21)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"Where ignorance is bliss, 'Tis folly to be wise." (Design 21)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "An ancient pile of building stands... there Employed the power of Fairy hands" (Design 25)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"An ancient pile of building stands... there Employed the power of Fairy hands" (Design 25)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "My Lade rose, and with a grace– She smil'd, and bid him come to dinner..." (Design 33)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"My Lade rose, and with a grace– She smil'd, and bid him come to dinner..." (Design 33)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake A Widower and Children (Design 35)
William Blake, 1757–1827
A Widower and Children (Design 35)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "And purple tyrants vainly groan..." (Design 37)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"And purple tyrants vainly groan..." (Design 37)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "Cytherea's Day..." (Design 45)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"Cytherea's Day..." (Design 45)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "To him the mighty mother did unveil Her awful face..." (Design 49)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"To him the mighty mother did unveil Her awful face..." (Design 49)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "Brush'd by the hand of rough Mischance, Or chill'd by Age..." (Design 5)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"Brush'd by the hand of rough Mischance, Or chill'd by Age..." (Design 5)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake The Bard Weaving Edwards Fate (Design 55)
William Blake, 1757–1827
The Bard Weaving Edwards Fate (Design 55)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "Headlong, from the mountain's height, Deep in the roaring tide he plung'd to endless night." (Design 65)
William Blake, 1757–1827
"Headlong, from the mountain's height, Deep in the roaring tide he plung'd to endless night." (Design 65)
between 1797 and 1798
William Blake "Into the Furnaces & into the valleys of the Anvils of Death..." (Plate 10)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Into the Furnaces & into the valleys of the Anvils of Death..." (Plate 10)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "To labours mighty, with vast strength..." (Plate 11)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"To labours mighty, with vast strength..." (Plate 11)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Why wilt thou give to her a Body..." (Plate 12)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Why wilt thou give to her a Body..." (Plate 12)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "One hair nor particle of dust..." (Plate 14)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"One hair nor particle of dust..." (Plate 14)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "But when they saw Albion fall'n..." (Plate 20)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"But when they saw Albion fall'n..." (Plate 20)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "And there was heard a great lamenting in Beulah..."; Chapter 1 Tailpiece (Plate 25)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"And there was heard a great lamenting in Beulah..."; Chapter 1 Tailpiece (Plate 25)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Encompass'd by the frozen Net..." (Plate 80)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Encompass'd by the frozen Net..." (Plate 80)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "I have mock'd those who refused cruelty..." (Plate 81)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"I have mock'd those who refused cruelty..." (Plate 81)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "I have heard Jerusalems groans..." (Plate 82)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"I have heard Jerusalems groans..." (Plate 82)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Highgates heights & Hampsteads..." (Plate 84)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Highgates heights & Hampsteads..." (Plate 84)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Became a Space & an Allegory..." (Plate 85)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Became a Space & an Allegory..." (Plate 85)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "I see thy Form O lovely mild Jerusalem..." (Plate 86)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"I see thy Form O lovely mild Jerusalem..." (Plate 86)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Repelling weeping Enion blind & age-bent..." (Plate 87)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Repelling weeping Enion blind & age-bent..." (Plate 87)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Los answer'd sighing like the Bellows of his Furnaces..." (Plate 88)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Los answer'd sighing like the Bellows of his Furnaces..." (Plate 88)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Condens'd his Emanations..." (Plate 9)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Condens'd his Emanations..." (Plate 9)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "The Feminine separates from the Masculine..." (Plate 90)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"The Feminine separates from the Masculine..." (Plate 90)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "It is easier to forgive an enemy..." (Plate 91)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"It is easier to forgive an enemy..." (Plate 91)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Enitharmon heard. She raised her head like the mild Moon..." (Plate 93)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Enitharmon heard. She raised her head like the mild Moon..." (Plate 93)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "As the Sun & Moon lead forward the Visions of Heaven & Earth..." (Plate 96)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"As the Sun & Moon lead forward the Visions of Heaven & Earth..." (Plate 96)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "The banks of the Thames are clouded..." (Plate 5)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"The banks of the Thames are clouded..." (Plate 5)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "The Atlantic Mountains where Giants dwelt..." Chapter 2 Tailpiece (Plate 50)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"The Atlantic Mountains where Giants dwelt..." Chapter 2 Tailpiece (Plate 50)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Jerusalem, Chapter 3. But Los, who is the Vehicular Form..." (Plate 53)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Jerusalem, Chapter 3. But Los, who is the Vehicular Form..." (Plate 53)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "In Great Eternity every particular Form..." (Plate 54)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"In Great Eternity every particular Form..." (Plate 54)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "In beauty the Daughters of Albion divide..." (Plate 58)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"In beauty the Daughters of Albion divide..." (Plate 58)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "And formed into Four precious stones..." (Plate 59)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"And formed into Four precious stones..." (Plate 59)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "His Spectre driv'n by the Starry Wheels of Albions sons..." (Plate 6)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"His Spectre driv'n by the Starry Wheels of Albions sons..." (Plate 6)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Of the Mundane Shell which froze..." (Plate 64)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Of the Mundane Shell which froze..." (Plate 64)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "In awful pomp & gold, in all the precious unhewn stones of Eden..." (Plate 66)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"In awful pomp & gold, in all the precious unhewn stones of Eden..." (Plate 66)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "Was living: panting like a frighted wolf..." (Plate 7)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"Was living: panting like a frighted wolf..." (Plate 7)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "The Four Zoa's clouded rage..." (Plate 74)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"The Four Zoa's clouded rage..." (Plate 74)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "And Rahab Babylon the Great..." (Plate 75)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"And Rahab Babylon the Great..." (Plate 75)
1804 to 1820
William Blake "My tents are fall'n! my pillars are in ruins!..." (Plate 79)
Print made by William Blake, 1757–1827
"My tents are fall'n! my pillars are in ruins!..." (Plate 79)
1804 to 1820