Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
Copyright Status:
Public Domain
Accession Number:
Paintings and Sculpture
Subject Terms:
reins | horseback riding | black | white (color) | wind | boy | chaps | hat | jodhpurs | saddle | stirrups | gloves | riding coat | portrait
Currently On View:
Not on view
Exhibition History:
High Society: The Life and Art of Sir Francis Grant (Scottish National Portrait Gallery, 2003-06-19 - 2003-09-14)Man and the Horse (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1984-12-03 - 1985-08-18)
Arthur Ackermann & Son Ltd., Annual Exhibition of Sporting Paintings : 20th October - 20th November 1965, Illustrated catalogues price five shillings in aid of the horses and ponies protection association , 1965, lot 7, DealerCat Arthur AckermannMalcolm Cormack, Concise Catalogue of Paintings in the Yale Center for British Art, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 1985, pp. 106-107, N590.2 .A83 (YCBA)Judy Egerton, British Sporting and Animal Paintings 1655-1867 : A Catalogue : The Paul Mellon Collection, , Tate Publishing, London, 1978, pp. 327-28, no. 360, pl. 114, ND1383 G7 B75 OVERSIZE (YCBA)John Ford, Ackermann 1783-1983 : the business of art, London, 1983, p. 205, N8640 A25 +F67 (YCBA)Jeremy Maas, Victorian painters., Barrie & Rockliff, The Cresset P., London, 1969, p. 73, ND467 M26+ (YCBA)