Yale Center for British Art

Francis Wheatley, 1747–1801, British
The Browne Family
ca. 1778
Materials & Techniques:
Oil on canvas
27 3/4 × 35 inches (70.5 × 88.9 cm)
Credit Line:
Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
Copyright Status:
Public Domain
Accession Number:
Paintings and Sculpture
Subject Terms:
travel | gesture | boys | girls | fishing | sketching | water | ribbon | ruffle | stockings | pond | river | riverbank | portrait | artist | father | mother | conversation piece | portfolio (container) | petticoat | chemise dress | fichu | apron (main garment) | children | bonnet | bow | landscape | disdain | rocks (landforms)
Currently On View:
Not on view
Exhibition History:
An American's Passion for British Art - Paul Mellon's Legacy (Yale Center for British Art, 2007-04-18 - 2007-07-29)

An American's Passion for British Art - Paul Mellon's Legacy (Royal Academy of Arts, 2007-10-20 - 2008-01-27)

Francis Wheatley (Yale Center for British Art, 2005-08-31 - 2006-02-05)

This Other Eden : British Paintings from the Paul Mellon Collection at Yale (Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1998-05-01 - 1998-07-05)

This Other Eden : British Paintings from the Paul Mellon Collection at Yale (Queensland Art Gallery, 1998-07-15 - 1998-09-06)

This Other Eden : British Paintings from the Paul Mellon Collection at Yale (Art Gallery of South Australia, 1998-09-16 - 1998-11-15)

Pleasures and Pastimes (Yale Center for British Art, 1990-02-21 - 1990-04-29)

The Pursuit of Happiness - A View of Life in Georgian England (Yale Center for British Art, 1977-04-19 - 1977-09-18)

Painting in England 1700-1850 - From The Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon (Yale University Art Gallery, 1965-04-15 - 1965-06-20)
A Great Collection of British Pictures in Virginia, The Times (London), , May 1, 1963, p. 5, Times Digital Archive

Sir Geoffrey Agnew, Yale's 1700 Mellon Pictures, The Times (London), , April 28, 1977, p. 9, Times Digital Archive

Cassandra Albinson, The worlds of Francis Wheatley, Yale Center for British Art, [New Haven, 2005, back cover, V 1612

Brian Allen, The Sport of Collecting : Paul Mellon and British Art, Apollo, vol.165, April 2007, pp. 32-33,37, fig. 1, N1 A54 + (YCBA)

John Baskett, Paul Mellon's Legacy: a Passion for British Art: Masterpieces from the Yale Center for British Art, , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 2007, pp. 266-267, no. 53, pl. 53, N5220 M552 P38 2007 OVERSIZE (YCBA)

Geoffrey W. Beard, The compleat gentleman, five centuries of aristocratic life , Rizzoli, New York, 1992, p. 158, HT653 G7 B415 1992 (YCBA)

Malcolm Cormack, Concise Catalogue of Paintings in the Yale Center for British Art, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 1985, pp. 242-243, N590.2 .A83 (YCBA)

Judy Egerton, British Sporting and Animal Paintings 1655-1867 : A Catalogue : The Paul Mellon Collection, , Tate Publishing, London, 1978, pp. 139-41, no. 133, Colour Pl. 20, ND1383 G7 B75 OVERSIZE (YCBA)

Elisabeth Fairman, Pleasures and pastimes, exhibition labels , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, Connecticut, 1990, p. 109, no. 267, DA485 F251 1990 (YCBA)

Elisabeth Fairman, Pleasures and pastimes, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, Connecticut, 1990, p. 33, no. 267, DA485 F25 1990 (YCBA)

Francis Wheatley RA, 1747-1801, paintings, drawings & engravings : an exhibition arranged by the Paul Mellon Foundation for British Art in association with the Aldeburgh Festival of Music and the Arts, June 15-25, and the City Art Gallery, Leeds, July 8-August 8. , The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, [London, 1965, p. 7, 45, No. 97, NJ18 W56 A63+ (YCBA)

Luke Herrmann, The Paul Mellon Collection at Burlington House, Connoisseur, vol. 157, December 1964, pp. 213,216, fig. 5, N1 C75 + OVERSIZE (YCBA)

E. D. H. Johnson, Paintings of the British social scene, from Hogarth to Sickert , Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1986, p. 74, no. 43, ND1452 G7 J64 (YCBA)

Julia Marciari-Alexander, This other Eden : Paintings from the Yale Center for British Art, , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 1998, pp. 10, 38, 62-63, no. 19, fig. 9, ND1314.3 Y36 1998 (YCBA)

Painting in England 1700-1850 : collection of Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mellon : Exhibition at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, , , Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA, 1963, p. 139 (v. 1), no. 264, pl. 207, ND466 V57 v.1-2 (YCBA)

Painting in England 1700-1850 from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, The Royal Academy of Arts Winter Exhibition 1964-65., , Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK, 1964, p. 61 (v. 1), no. 220, N5220.M45 R69 1964 (YCBA)

Paul Mellon's Legacy : a passion for British art [large print labels], , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 2007, v. 3, N5220 M552 P381 2007 OVERSIZE (YCBA)

J. H. Plumb, The pursuit of happiness : a view of life in Georgian England : an exhibition selected from the Paul Mellon collection, , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, 1977, p. 31, 69, cover, no. 1, N6766 Y34 1977 (YCBA)

Mario Praz, Conversation Pieces : A Survey of the Informal Group Portrait in Europe and America, , Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, University Park, 1971, fig. 143, ND1304 +P713 Oversize (YCBA)

Kate Retford, The Conversation Piece Making Modern Art in Eighteenth-Century Britain, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2017, p. 167, fig. 128, ND1314.4 .R48 2017 (LC) Oversize (YCBA)

Sotheby's sale catalogue : Catalogue of Fine Paintings by Old Masters and Modern Drawings : 14 June 1939, Sotheby's, London, 1939, p. 21, Lot 146, Film B12, Part III, reel 138 of 155 (YCBA)

The Yale Center for British Art : An Anniversary Celebration of Paul Mellon's Great Legacy, , Apollo, April 2007, pp. 32-33, fig. 1, N5220 M552 A7 OVERSIZE (YCBA) Appeared as April 2007 issue of Apollo; all of the articles may also be found in bound Apollo Volume [N1 A54 165:2 +]

Mary Webster, Francis Wheatley, Paul Mellon Foundation for British Art, London, 1970, pp.23-24, p. 125, no. 27, fig. 27, NJ18 W56 W43 (YCBA)

Wheatley, Francis - exhibition, The Times (London), June 1965, p. 17, Film AN T482 (SML Microfilm) Also available on Microfilm: Film An T482 (SML)

Wheatley, Francis - grave: correspondence, The Times (London), February 1936, p. 8, Film An T482 (SML Film)

Yale University Art Gallery, Painting in England, 1700-1850, from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon : [exhibition at] Yale University Art Gallery, April 15-June 20, 1965, , vol. 1, W. Clowes and sons, New Haven, 1965, p. 59 (v. 1), no. 220, ND466 Y35 (YCBA)
Gallery Label:
In this portrait of George and Mary Brown and their five eldest children, Francis Wheatley has turned the conventions of the conversation piece upside down. The Browne family engage in the fashionable pursuits dictated by eighteenth-century ideals of polite behavior, but with a twist. It is Mr. Browne, Principal Clerk of the Westminster Fire Office insurance company, who serenely sketches by the lakeside, a traditionally female activity in conversation pieces. His wife, hitching up her skirt to reveal a bright pink petticoat, has confidently cast out her line and snared a catch, which her son George unhooks for her. Mrs. Browne’s confident stance—hand on hip—is a variation on the pose made famous by Anthony Van Dyck in his dashing male portraits.\n\n Gallery label for An American's Passion for British Art - Paul Mellon's Legacy (Yale Center for British Art, 2007-04-18 - 2007-07-29)