Yale Center for British Art

unknown artist

after unknown artist
A Prospect of the Inside of Westminster, Shewing how the King and Queen with the Nobility and others did sit at Dinner on the Day of the Coronation. Also the manner of tghe Champions performing the Ceremony of Challenge whilst the King & c. were at Dinner
Materials & Techniques:
Hand-colored engraving on wove paper
Plate: 11 1/8 × 9 inches (28.3 × 22.9 cm)
T.C. ...The whole taken from Sandford. At the upper end of the Hall in the Courts of Chancery and King's Bench their Majesties are represented Sitting in their chairs of State at Dinner, surrounded with their Attendants: On the West side of the Hall on the outside of the Table at the upper end, the Dukes of Aquitain and Normandie were seated and next to them the four Great Officers viz. the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, the Lord Treasurer, the Lord President of the Council & the Lord Privy Seal; below them were ranged the Dukes, Marquisses, Earl's, Viscounts & Barons. Opposite these, on the inner side of the Tables the Dutchesses, Marchionesses, Countesses, Viscountesses and Baronesses were Seated. At the East side of ye Hall, at the upepr End and on the Inner side of the Table were placed the two Archbishops, next to them the Bishops, then ye Lords Chief Justices of the Kings Bench and Common Pleas, the Lord Chief Baron, the Justices of both Benches, the Baron of ye Excheguer, ye Kings Antient Sergeants, ye Kings Attorney & Solicitor, ye Kings Sergeants at Law, the Masters in Chancery & six Clerks, Opposite to these sat ye Barons of ye Cinque Ports at ye upper end, then ye Lord Mayor of London, ye two Sheriffs, the Aldermen of London, and ye 12 Principal Citizens. Below these, at a Table by themselves, sate the Kings Heralds & persuivants at Arms, on ye West side there were 3 Tables each of them 52 foot long, on the East side ye upper Table was 64F. ye middle Table 70 feet, & the Heralds Table 14 Feet long. aa Represents some of ye Cupboards b. The Gallery where ye musick sate. cc. Galleries where ye Spectators sate. In the middle of ye Hall ye Kings Champion, with ye Earl Marshall & Ld. High Constable on Horseback & other attendants are represented in ye order they proceed up the Hall in making ye...
Credit Line:
Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection
Copyright Status:
Public Domain
Accession Number:
Prints and Drawings
Subject Terms:
meal | dinner | architectural subject | genre subject | coronation | ceremony | royalty | food | feast
Associated Places:
United Kingdom | England | London | City of Westminster | Greater London | Westminster Abbey
Currently On View:
Not on view