Archibald Robertson, 1748–1788after John Ricketts, 1765–1783
The Triumpal Arch, Erected, June 17th 1777, in Honor of William Bromley Chester Esqr.
Materials & Techniques:
Sepia aquatint on medium, slightly textured, cream laid paper
Sheet: 17 7/8 × 25 1/2 inches (45.4 × 64.8 cm)
Lettered, lower left: "John Rickett's Statuary at Gloucester, delt. | W.B.Chester Esqr Pr J. Cooke delt."; lettered, lower right: "A.Robertson fecit"; lettered, lower center: "This Plate of the Triumphal Arch, which was Erected 17th June 1777, to the honor of Wm. Bromley Chester Esqr.; being his first Entry into the City of Gloucester, after | the decission of the House of Commons, on the contested Election for that County; is humbly Inscribed to HIs Grace the Duke of Beaufort, the Nobility, | Clergy and Freeholders of the County of Goucester, by their most humble; obliged and obedient Servant, Jn Ricketts. | London, Published as the Act directs, Oct. 5th 1782 by A. Robertson, Charles Street, St. James's square."
Credit Line:
Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection