Pen and black ink, gray wash and graphite on medium, slightly textured, cream wove paper mounted to moderately thick, slightly textured, gray wove paper
Sheet: 5 1/4 × 9 inches (13.3 × 22.9 cm)
Inscribed in graphite in upper right portion of inscription sheet: "Adelaide Claxton"; in top portion of the inscription sheet in brown ink, centered: "Philipines" | This represents the game of Philipines which is one of the greatest amusements of a long sea voyage - The Captain if he is a good natured one always encourages as many of this kind as possible, otherwise | if people shack up together for 3 or 4 months are sure to quarrel, and sometimes a duel on landing has been talked about if the attentions of the passengers has not been distracted by dancing games [...] - Landfolks Ca[...] | [...] agree the excitement that Philipines make - some don't even know what the ceremony is. The desert almonds are put on the table with the shells on. Whoever has a double almond gives one to a neighbour or friend and eats | the corresponding half. After that there is no more to be done until the following morning when the Philips [?&] Philipines are on the alert as soon as the stewards are up, lurking about the cabin doors of | their halves - , to whom directly [?than] appears they cry 'freedom [] Philipine or Philip' and whoever says it first expects to receive a very handsome present at the next landing, or sometimes | a lock of hair [...] - as most of them have three or four each it makes great fun - some won't come out of their cabins till breakfast bell rings, some forget all about it, | and loose every one - it is not fairly one unless they see one another. The young ladies at the cabin door have more Philips than they know what to do with. The young gentlemen just marking tracks around the corner of the ladder [?with] the [...] [?open] [?countenances] has been sitting on those boxes waiting for his prey [?since] any times in the morning he deserves his success. The - [...] with | his head out will be 'done' by the soft treating Philipine creeping up behind him another Philipine takes a mean [...] of her cabins windows blinds opening from the inside to suprise [?&] overcome | the gorgeous creature in checkwork in the foreground." *Please note that the drawing to which these inscriptions refer has been matted with another object, and the sheet of inscriptions remains unmatted. Both the drawing and inscription sheet are located in the same solander box.*
Credit Line:
Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Fund
Copyright Status:
Public Domain
Accession Number:
Drawings & Watercolors
Prints and Drawings
Subject Terms:
ladder | genre subject | party | women | men
Currently On View:
Not on view
Susan P. Casteras, A Struggle for Fame: Victorian women artists and authors, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, Connecticut, 1994, p. 55, N6796 C27 1994 (YCBA)