Judy Egerton, British Sporting and Animal Paintings 1655-1867 : A Catalogue : The Paul Mellon Collection, , Tate Publishing, London, 1978, pp. 304-305, no. 329, pl. 106, ND1383 G7 B75 OVERSIZE (YCBA)Exhibition of coaching paintings by James Pollard, kindly lent by N. C. Selway, Esq. , Arthur Ackermann & Son Ltd., Hyde Park, May 1963, NJ18 P7425 +S44 1963 (YCBA)Duncan Robinson, At home to sporting art : the Brick House, Essays of Friends of British Sporting Art, no. 33, The British Sporting Art Trust, Summer 1997, p. 6, N8250 .B751 (YCBA)Sotheby's sale catalogue : The Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Dick collection of English sporting and conversation paintings part three : 23 April 1975, Sotheby's, Sotheby's, April 23, 1975, p. 58, lot 111, Fiche B18 (YCBA)