Chapter I. Introduction. -- Connexion between the early History of Painting and that of Medicine -- Chapter. II. The Ancients -- Chapter. III. Earliest Practice of Oil Painting -- Chapter. IV. Oil Painting during the latter part of the Fourteenth Century -- Note on a Venetian Manuscript in the British Museum -- Chapter. V. Practice of Painting generally during the Fourteenth Century -- Note on a German Manuscript in the Public Library at Strassburg -- Chapter. VI. Fresco Painting and Wax Painting during the Fourteenth Century -- Note on some early Specimens of English Art -- Chapter. VII. Vasari's Account of the Method of Oil Painting introduced by Van Eyck -- Note on the Introduction of Oil Painting into Italy -- Chapter. VIII. Examination of Vasari's Statements respecting the Invention of Van Eyck -- Chapter. IX. Oleo-Resinous Vehicles -- Chapter. X. Preparation of Oils -- Chapter. XI. Methods of the Flemish School considered generally -- Note on the Modes of strengthening Panels by Ledges or Battens -- Chapter. XII. Preparation of Colours -- Note on the Use of Triptychs, andc. -- Note on the Varnish prepared from the Olio d' Abezzo -- Chapter. XIII. Practice of later Masters -- Extracts from Notes by Sir Joshua Reynolds -- Note on the Mayerne Manuscript in the British Museum -- Additions and Corrections -- Scriptural and historical Subjects painted in England during the Reign of Henry III.