Incipit prima pars secunde edita a fratre Thoma de Aquino. Questio prima.
Alternate Title(s):
Title as cited by Bodleian 15th cent. : Summa theologiae: Secunda pars, prima secundae
Published / Created:
Alma in vrbe moguntina ... : p[er] Petru[m] Schoiffer de gern[ss]hem., Anno d[omi]ni millesimoquadringentesimoseptuagesimop[ri]mo. Octaua die nouembris [8 November 1471]
Physical Description:
[177] leaves ; 41 cm. (fol.)
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Signatures: [a-b¹° c¹² d-g¹° h¹° (h9+1) i-l¹° m¹² n-q¹° r¹²]. The last two leaves are blank.
Subject Terms:
Catholic Church -- Doctrines -- Early works to 1800. | Christian ethics -- Catholic authors -- Early works to 1800. | Theology, Doctrinal -- Early works to 1800. | Werther, Frederick, 1881– -- Ownership. | Incunabula in Yale Library.