10 parts (80 unnumbered plates) : color illustrations, portraits ; 49 cm.
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
BEIN 2019 Folio 92: Imperfect: title page wanting. Consists of 10 parts (80 color plates of illustrations, 50 cm). Each part in its own original wrappers. Numbers 1-9, part number and month issued printed in ; number 10: part number in manuscript, month and last digit of year are blank. Numbers 4-10: Bookplate of Henry J. Cullen, Jr.
Number 1: Advertisement to the first number of the Aboriginal Port-folio, Philadelphia, July 20, 1835 -- [1] Waa-na-taa, or the Foremost in Battle, Chief of the Sioux Tribe -- [2] Ma-ko-me-ta or Bear's Oil, a Monomonie chief -- [3] Shing-gaa-ba-w'osin or the Figured Stone, a Chippewa chief -- [4] Cha-co-to, a Pottawatomie chief -- [5] Tshu-gue-ga, a celebrated chief, half Winnebago and half French -- [6] Ma-che-ka-kat or the Bad Hawk, Monomonie chief -- [7] Kitch-ee-i-aa-ba or the Big Buck, a Chippewa chief -- [8] Wa-pa-laa or the Playing Fox, Prince of the Fox Tribe.
Exhibition History:
Wilde Americk - Discovery and Exploration of the New World, 1500-1850 (Yale Center for British Art, 2001-09-27 - 2001-09-27)
Subject Terms:
Indians of North America -- Portraits. | Indians of North America -- Pictorial works. | Lithography. | Indians in art. | Cullen, Henry J. Jr. -- Bookplate.