A catalogue of the numerous and valuable collection of Italian, Flemish, & Dutch pictures, the property of a Gentleman, deceased : accumulated by him many years back, from Churches & Galleries on the Continent, at an enormous expence, and embracing the works of the most eminent Masters of the several schools : in the collection is the celebrated picture of The doctors of the church, by Jordaens : Raphael's cartoons, copied the size of the originals, by Sir. J. Thornhill : four subjects by Salvator Rosa : and others of great interest and celebrity, by Raphael, Domenichino, Guido, Coreggio, Procaccini, Parmigiano, Titian, Claude, Poussins, Rubens, Rembrandt, P. Potter, &c. also, a great number of excellent carved French frames, of gallery and cabinet dimensions : which will be sold by auction, by order of the Executrix, by Mr. Stanley, at his Gallery in Maddox Street, Hanover Square, on Tuesday, the 12th of June, 1832, and two following days, at twelve o'clock : may be viewed, and catalogues had (at one Shilling each) at the Gallery, and at Mr. Stanley's Auction Rooms, 21, Old Bond Street.