Yale Center for British Art

New Theatre Royal (Bristol, England)
[Playbill for performances by Barry Sullivan and James Faucit Cathcart in Macbeth, Richelieu, Hamlet, and The gamester, at the New Theatre Royal, Bristol, September 4-7, 1871].
Alternate Title(s):
At head of title: New Theatre Royal, Bristol, Park Row, manager, James Henry Chute
Published / Created:
[Bristol, England] : Printed at the Bristol Mercury and Daily Post Offices, Broad Street, [1871]
Physical Description:
1 sheet ([1] page) ; 75 x 26 cm
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Credit Line:
Yale Center for British Art, Gift of Neale Albert, Yale JD 1961, and Margaret Albert.
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Cast list for Macbeth: Mr. Barry Sullivan (Macbeth); Mr. J.F. Cathcart (Macduff); Mr. Hector Mackenzie (Banquo); Mr. Walter Fisher, Miss Harwell (Maclolm, and Donalbain); Mr. William (Duncan); Mr. Arnold (Rosse); Mr. Adams (Lennox); Mr. Williams (Angus); Mr. Charles (Caithness); Miss E. White (Fleance) Mr. Osgood (Bleeding sergeant); Mr. Wade (Siward); Mr. Osgood (First officer); Mr. Warry (Second officer); Mr. Smith (Third officer); Mr. Burton (Seyton); Mr. Smith (First apparition); Miss Harwell (Second apparition); Miss Hooten (Third apparition); Mr. Stanley (Physician); Messrs. Fosbrooke, Howell and Miss F. Robertson (Three witches); Miss Louise Willes (Lady Macbeth); Miss Hunter (Gentlewoman attending on Lady Macbeth).
Subject Terms:
New Theatre Royal (Bristol, England) | Cathcart, James Faucit, 1828–1902. | Chute, James Henry, -1878. | Dornton, Charles, -1900. | Fisher, Walter H., active 1871–1879. | Fosbrooke, William, 1835–1898. | Mackenzie, Hector (Actor) | Sullivan, Barry (Thomas Barry), 1821–1891. | Willes, Louise, -1889. | Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron, 1803–1873. Richelieu -- Stage history. | Moore, Edward, 1712–1757. Gamester -- Stage history. | Offenbach, Jacques, 1819–1880. Princesse de Trébizonde -- Stage history. | Shakespeare, William, 1564–1616. Hamlet -- Stage history. | Shakespeare, William, 1564–1616. Macbeth -- Stage history. | Actors -- Great Britain. | Theater -- Great Britain. | Pantomime -- Great Britain. | Bristol Mercury and Daily Post Office -- Printer.
Playbills. | Broadsides.
Collection of Margaret and Neale Albert (Yale Center for British Art)