Price, Joshua, To the honourable the Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament assembled , [1707?]
- Title(s):
- To the honourable the Commons of Great Britain, in Parliament assembled / the humble petition of Joshua Price, glass painter.
- Published/Created:
- [London? : s.n.], [1707?]
- Physical Description:
- 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 30 x 20 cm.
- Holdings:
- Unable to reach service. Holdings currently not available
- Copyright Status:
- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Full Orbis Record:
- Classification:
- Books
- Notes:
- This copy is disbound.
Date from NUC pre-56 and BM.
Petition asks that Price be given the commission of painting the upper east window in St. Paul's Cathedral, at a charge of £150. - Subject Terms:
- Glass painting and staining -- England -- London.St. Paul's Cathedral (London, England)
- Export: