Vincent, Leon H. (Leon Henry), 1859-1941, Dandies and men of letters , 1914
- Title(s):
- Dandies and men of letters / by Leon H. Vincent.
- Published/Created:
- London : Duckworth, 1914.
- Physical Description:
- ix, 313 p. : ill., port. ; 23 cm.
- Holdings:
- Reference LibraryCT782 .V55 (LC)Accessible in the Reference Library [Hours]
Note: Please contact the Reference Library to schedule an appointment [Email] - Full Orbis Record:
- Classification:
- Books
- Subject Terms:
- Authors, English.Dandies.
- Export:
- The celebrated Mr. Brummell.--Count Alfred D'Orsay.--Episodes in the life of a nobel poet (Lord Byron)--A giver of breakfasts (Samuel Rogers)--A regency satirist (Thomas Moore)--Thomas Hope and his ʻAnastasius.'--Fonthill, ʻVathek,' and Beckford.--Thomas Love Peacock.--A virtuoso of the old school (Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe)--ʻVivian Grey' and its author.--ʻThe adventures of a gentleman' (Bulwer-Lytton)--A successful bachelor (Henry Crabb Robinson)