Poilly, Jean-Baptiste de, 1669-1728, [Engravings of statues], [circa 1700?]
- Title(s):
- [Engravings of statues]
- Published/Created:
- A Paris : Chez Jean-Baptiste Poilly, rue St. Jacques, à la belle image, [circa 1700?]
- Physical Description:
- 6 prints : etching and engraving ; plate marks 28 x 20 cm, on sheets 37 x 25 cm
- Holdings:
- Unable to reach service. Holdings currently not available
- Copyright Status:
- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Full Orbis Record:
- http://hdl.handle.net/10079/bibid/17130380
- Classification:
- Prints
- Notes:
- Title devised by cataloger.
Each plate signed: J.B. Poilly sculp.
Imprint from the Callipiga print. The other five lacks imprints.
BAC N7420 .S26c+: Bound with: Sandrart, Joachim von. Sculpturae veteris admiranda, sive, Delineatio vera perfectissimarum eminentissimarumque statuarum (Norimbergae : Christiani Sigismundi Frobergii, 1680). The volume bound in later red leather, stamped in gold on front covers with armorial of Mark Masterman Sykes, baronet, of Sledmere, beneath the initials S.M.M. Armorial bookplates: John, Duke of Bedford; "Du cabinet de [blank]". - Subject Terms:
- Bedford, John, Duke of -- Bookplate.Mythology, Roman.Sculpture, Classical.Sykes, Mark Masterman, Sir, 1771–1823 -- Binding.
- Form/Genre:
- Engravings.
Armorial bindings. - Export:
- Castor et Pollux
- Pethus et Aria
- Diane --Venus acroupie, ou, Venus pudique
- Callipiga, la Venus aux belles fesses
- Paon, instruit un jeune Faune, que l'on dit être Apollon.
If you have information about this object that may be of assistance please contact us.