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Lobeck, Tobias
Atlas geographicus portatilis, XXIX mappis orbis habitabilis regna exhibens / caelo accurate expressit Tobias Conradus Lotterus ; delineavit et excudit Tobias Lobeck, chalcograph.
Augustan : Vendit in ejus aedib[us] in suburb, Jacobaeo in reg. Paradisi, [1762?]
Physical Description:
1 atlas ([51] leaves) : illustrations, 47 maps ; 12 x 16 cm (32mo)
Unable to reach service. Holdings currently not available
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Maps & Atlas (printed)
Scales differ.
Library of Congress records two variants, one with 37 maps (631) and the other an oblong with 49 maps (632), both printed in Augsburg, 1762? Copy no. 3 of 631 contains maps nos. [25] and [32], not in the index but dated 1762.
Also published with 29 maps, as part of the Lobeck's Kurzgefasste Geographie (Library of Congress 630), Augsburg, 1762?.
The Yale Center for British Art copy is bound with Vollstandiger Sack-atlas.
All plates are unnumbered; includes an engraved frontispiece, engraved title page, and engraved "Index mapparum geographicarum" with index of maps numbered I-XXIX, as was printed in Kurzgefasste Geographie.
At foot of title page: "G. Eichler jun. inv. et delin."
Engraved and published by Lobeck and Lotter, after Lobeck.
List of geographical atlases in the Library of Congress, 631 or 632
BAC G1015.L63 A85 1762: Plates are hand-colored. In contemporary confetti paper covered boards. In this copy, maps are not ordered according to index, and there are 18 additional maps not listed in index. Bound with and possibly issued with: Vollstandiger Sack-atlas.
Subject Terms:
Hand coloring.
World atlases.
Lotter, Tobias Conrad, 1717–1777, publisher, engraver.

  • (List of maps from "Index mapparum geographicarum"): I. Planisphaerium globi terrest.
  • II. Planisphaer: globi caelestis
  • III. Europa
  • IV. Asia
  • V. Africa
  • VI. America
  • VII. Regnum Hispaniae et Portugal
  • VIII. Galliae regnum
  • IX. Italia cum adjacentb[us] insulis
  • X. Theatrum belli Italicum
  • XI. Status ecclesiasticus magnusq[ue] Ducatus Florentinus
  • XII. Magnae Britanniae regna
  • XIII. Belgium
  • XIV. Germania inferior, exhibens theatrum belli Belgicum
  • XV. Helvetirum respublica
  • XVI. Imper: Romano-Germanicum
  • XVII. Circ. Austriacus et Bavaricus
  • XVIII. Circul[us] Suevicus Franconicus Rhenanus superior et inferior
  • XIX. Circ: Burgundic[us] Westphalicus
  • XX. Circ: Saxonicus super et infer.
  • XXI. Bohemia Moravia Lusat: Silesia
  • XXII. Bohemiae regnum
  • XXIII. Poloniae regnum magnusque Ducatus Lithuaniae
  • XXIV. Borussiae regnum
  • XXV. Dania
  • XXVI. Suecia
  • XXVII. Imperium Russicum omnis que Tartaria
  • XXVIII. Regnum Hungariae
  • XXIX. Tabla Danubii, Graeciae et archipelagi.

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