[Biblia latina], 14 August 1462
- Title(s):
- [Biblia latina].
- Additional Title(s):
- Bible. Latin. Vulgate. 1462.
- Published/Created:
- Mainz : Johann Fust and Peter Schoeffer, 14 August 1462.
- Physical Description:
- [242, 239] leaves ; 346-402 mm (fol.)
- Holdings:
- Rare Books and ManuscriptsLeaf Collection no. 0005Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection[Request]
- Copyright Status:
- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Full Orbis Record:
- http://hdl.handle.net/10079/bibid/1306286
- Classification:
- Books
- Notes:
- BEIN ZZi 79: Imperfect: 4 leaves only (Judith 14:17-Esther 4:4; Isaiah 58:5-61; Jeremiah 18:6-21:9), of which 2 are on vellum (Isaiah-Jeremiah).
Imprint from colophon on leaf [A6] recto of volume 2, which reads in full: P[raesen]s hoc opusculu[m] Artificiosa adinue[n]tione [sic] imp[ri]mendi seu caracterizandi . absq[ue] calami exarac[i]on [sic] . in ciuitate Mogunt[i]n[e] sic effigiatu[m]. & ad eusebia[m] dei industrie per Joh[ann]e[m] fust ciue[m] et Petru[m] schoiffher de gerns[is]heym [sic] clericu[m] diotes[is] [sic] eiusdem est consu[m]matu[m]. Anno d[omi]ni .M.cccc.lxij. Jn vigilia assumpc[i]o[n]is virg[inis] . marie.
Year of printing and printer's device on leaf [B8] verso of volume 1.
"The earliest edition of the Bible which bears the name of a printer and a date, 14 Aug. 1462" (Darlow & Moule 6080).
For reset pages and variants in the colophons see GW 4204 and BN cat. des incun. B-364.
In 2 volumes divided into four units.
Volume 1: part 1, Genesis-Ruth; part 2, Kings 1-Psalms.
Volume 2: part 1, Proverbs-Maccabees; part 2, New Testament-Apocalypse.
Text in two columns of 48 lines.
Rubrics printed in red.
Spaces left blank for initials and rubrics.
Volume 1: Signatures: [a-h¹⁰ i-k⁸ l-z¹⁰ AB⁸].
Volume 2: Signatures: [a-n¹⁰ o¹² p-z¹⁰ A⁶¹ (+5*: q[ue]m vna)].
Copinger, W.A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium bibliographicum, 3050
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, 4204
Andrews 1
BM 15th cent., I, 22
BN cat. des incun., B-364
Bod-inc, B-239
BSB-Ink, B-410
Darlow and Moule, 6080
Goff, B529
Hain-Copinger, 3050*
ISTC, ib00529000
Oates, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
Paul Needham, "The Text of the Gutenberg Bible", in Trasmissione dei testi a stampa nel periodo moderno, ed. G. Crapulli, vol. 2, Rome, 1987, 43-84 (p. 56-57, 63-64)
BAC Leaf Collection no. 0005: Imperfect: detached leaf v. 1 leaf [148] only, with portions of 1 Chronicles 6-7. On paper. Rubricated. From a collection of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century printed leaves compiled by Frederick Werther, with his enumeration ("No. 5") stamped on the verso. - Subject Terms:
- Incunabula in Yale Library.Werther, Frederick, 1881– -- Ownership.
- Form/Genre:
- Incunabula.
Fragments (object portions) - Export:
- Volume 1. Part 1: Hieronymus, [Letter addressed to] Paulinus presbiter, [a1]r-[a3]v; Biblia latina, Books Genesis to Psalms, [a3]v-[B8]v. Book sequence as follows: Pentateuch, [a3]v-[h6]r, including prologue, [a3]v-[a4]r; Joshua, [h6]v-[i6]r, including prologue; Judges, [i6]r-[k7]v; Ruth, [k7]v-[k8]v. Part 2: Kings 1-4, [l1]r-[p9]v, including prologue, [l1]r-v; Chronicles 1-2, [p9]v-[s3]v, including prologue, [p9]v-[p10]r; Prayer of Manasse, [s4]r; Ezra 1-4, [s4]r-[v9]v, including prologue; Tobit, [v9]v-[x3]v, including prologue; Judith, [x3]v-[x8]v, including prologue; Ester, [x8]v-[y3]v, including prologue; Job, [y3]r-[z3]v, including 2 prologues, [y3]v-[y4]r; Psalms, [z3]v-[B8]v, including prologue; year of printing and printer's device, [B8]v.
- Volume 2: Biblia latina, Books Proverbs to Apocalypse, [a1]r-[A6]r. Book sequence as follows: Proverbs, [a1]r-[a9]r, including Hieronymus, Epistola, [a1]r; Ecclesiastes, [a9]r-[b2]r, including prologue, [a9]r-v; Song of Solomon, [b2]r-[b3]v; Wisdom of Solomon, [b3]v-[b9]r; Ecclesiasticus, [b9]v-[d4]v, including prologue; Prayer of Iesus Sirach, [d4]v; Prayer of Salomon, [d5]r; Isaiah, [d5]v-[f3]r, including prologue; Jeremiah, [f3]r-[h4]v, including prologue, [f3]r-v; Lamentations, [h4]v-[h6]r, including Prayer of Jeremiah, [h6]r; Baruch, [h6]v-[h9]r, preceded by prologue, [h6]r; Ezechiel, [h9]r-[k8]r, including prologue; Daniel, [k9]r-[l6]v, preceded by prologue, [k8]v; Minor Prophets, [l7]r-[n2]r, preceded by prologue, [l6]v; Maccabees 1-2, [n2]r-[o12]v, including prologue. Part 2: Hieronymus. Epistle on the four Gospels, [p1]r-v; Argumentum in Matheum, [p1]v; Matthew, [p1]v-[q3]v; Argumentum in Marcum, [q3]v; Mark, [q3]v-[r1]r; Argumentum in Lucam, [r1]r-v; Luke, [r1]v-[s4]r; Argumentum in Johannem, [s4]v; John, [s4]v-[t4]r; Preface to Paul's Epistles, [t4]r-v; Paul. Epistles, [t4]v-[y2]r, including prologues; Acts, [y2]r-[z5]r, including prologue; Prologue to the canonical epistles, [z5]r; James. Epistle, [z5]r-[z6]v, including prologue; Peter. Epistles 1-2, [z6]v-[z9]r, including prologues; John. Epistles 1-3, [z9]r-[z10]v, including prologues; Jude. Epistle, [z10]v-[A1]r, including prologue; Revelation [or Apocalypse], [A1]r-[A6]r, including prologue; colophon, [A6]r; printer's device, [A6]r.
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