Symptoms: of Doubtful Amusement - or Craneing, of Anxious Amusement - or Sure of a Bite, of Public Amusement - or No Taxes, Dangerous Amusement - or a Slapper, Private Amusement - or Cruelty
between 1822 and 1827
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Full Pay, of Half pay, of a strong attachment in the Dog, of anything but go, of no strong attachment to the Horse
between 1818 and 1822
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Being Drawn, of a Fine Song, of Troting, of Being In, of Being Out, of a Recoil
between 1822 and 1827
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Taking Lessons, of Having Had Enough, of Earnest, of Fun
between 1822 and 1827
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Symptoms: of Being Wanted, of Anxiety, of a Has Been, of Duck Catching
between 1822 and 1827
Henry Thomas Alken, 1785–1851
Shooting, Coursing, Racing, etc: a series of twenty-four drawings bound in a volume