Translation of a report by Álvaro de Bazan, marquês de Santa Cruz, on the defense of Spain and the West Indies from Sir Francis Drake
circa 1597
Ptolemy, active 2nd century
Claudii Ptholemaei Alexandrini Liber geographiae cum tabulis et universali figura et cum additione locorum quae recentioribus reperta sunt diligenti cura emendatus et impressus
Anno Domini. M.D.XI. die. xx. mensis Martii. [March 22, 1511]
Liber equorum and De la generatione deli oselli de rapina
between 1400 and 1450
Rowland, Thomas, of New-Windsor
A general treatise of architecture
MDCCXXXII [1732, i.e. 1743?]
Mathew, William, -1752
A docquet of fees, to be taken by the Secretary of Antigua for the time being ..