The Ceiling of the Banqueting House at Whitehall: The Peaceful Reign of James I
Print made by Thomas Bowles III, ca. 1712–1767
The Inside View of the Royal Exchange at London
Print made by unknown artist
The Lord Mayor's Mansion House, shewing the Front of the House & the West Side
unknown artist
A Curious Perspective View of the Inside of St. Paul's Cathedral, Shewing part of the Dome, the Piers and Arches which support it; and the Entrances into the Choir and the Isles
Print made by James Basire II, 1769–1822
Vol. 6, Plate XXVII: The Painted Chamber
unknown artist
A Prospect of the Inside of Westminster, Shewing how the King and Queen with the Nobility and others did sit at Dinner on the Day of the Coronation. Also the manner of tghe Champions performing the Ceremony of Challenge whilst the King & c. were at Dinner
Thomas Bowles III, ca. 1712–1767
A Perspective View of the North West Front of ye Parish Church of St. Brides, with the beautiful Spire & c. The Height from the Cross above the Vain to the Ground is 242 feet
unknown artist
The Foundling Hospital
unknown artist
The Royal Palace of St. James's next the Park
unknown artist
The Inside View of King Henry VII Chappel, in Westminster Abby
unknown artist
The Inside of St. Paul's Cathedral from the West End to the Choir
Print made by unknown artist
The Inthronization of their Majesties also a View of the West End of the Choir of St. Peters in Westminster, and of the manner of Placing and Seating the Company in that Part of the Choir
unknown artist
A Perspective View of the Magnificent Structure, erected in the Green Park for the Royal Fireworks exhibited the 27 of April 1749, on account of the General Peace