Catalogue of the whole of the remaining works of that highly distinguished artist, Clarkson Stanfield, R.A., deceased, including the original sketches and drawings made during his various tours, among which are those made during his journey, in 1824, in France, Switzerland, and Italy ; 1828, at St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall ; 1830, in Germany, the Tyrol, and Italy ; 1837, on the Moselle ; 1838 and 1839, in Switzerland and Italy, including the series of drawings made during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Christmas, 1838 ; 1843, tour in Holland ; the drawings made between 1847 and 1851, at Hampstead, Dover, and in Wales ; 1851, tour in the South of France and North of Spain and Pyrenees ; 1856, in Ireland
Leslie, Charles Robert, 1794–1859
Memoirs of the life of John Constable ...
Fisher, John, 1788–1832
Archdeacon John Fisher letters to John Constable
Christie, Manson & Woods
Catalogue of works of the Late John Constable, R.A. comprising upwards of seventy pictures, drawings and sketches in oil, and a large number of drawings in penci and chalk, from the collection of Eustace Constable, Esq., grandson of the painter ;
Loan exhibition of works by Gainsborough, Constable and Old Suffolk artists at the Art Gallery, Ipswich, October 1887