A catalogue of a collection of capital and beautiful cabinet pictures, lately imported from Holland
Greenwood, John, 1727–1792
A catalogue of the capital and well-chosen collection of cabinet picture, of James Kirke, Esq., deceased
Greenwood, John, 1727–1792
A catalogue of a collection of modern pictures & drawings, chiefly consisting of the works and property of Mr. Serres, Junior, marine painter to His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence going to Italy
Greenwood, John, 1727–1792
A catalogue of a collection of pictures, among which are many very agreeable and pleasing subjects, by the masters of the different schools
Greenwood, John, 1727–1792
A catalogue of a valuable collection of undoubted original drawings and pictures, by the most esteemed ancient and modern Masters
Greenwood, John, 1727–1792
A catalogue of a collection of Italian, Dutch, & Flemish Pictures
Greenwood, John, 1727–1792
A catalogue of that superb and well known cabinet of drawings of John Barnard, Esq. late of Berkley-Square, deceased
Greenwood, John, 1727–1792
A catalogue of the pictures, miniatures and drawings, framed and glazed of that eminent and judicious collector, Matthew Duane, Esq. deceased