The Late Joseph Nollikens Esqr. R.A. Engraved by C.S. Taylor from an original painting by Sir W. Beechey R.A. London. Published for the New Eruopean Magazine by John Letts Junr. 32, Cornhill, 2nd June 1823.
1823 June 2
The Late Joseph Nollikens Esqr. R.A. Engraved by C.S. Taylor from an original painting by Sir W. Beechey R.A. London. Published for the New Eruopean Magazine by John Letts Junr. 32, Cornhill, 2nd June 1823.
1823 June 2
The Late Joseph Nollikens Esqr. R.A. Engraved by C.S. Taylor from an original painting. By Sir W. Beechey R.A. London. Published for the new European Magazine, by John Letts Junr. 32, Cornhill, 2nd June, 1823.
1823 June 2
Copy of a notice in the Morning Chronicle, about Nollekens' will.