A catalogue of a valuable and genuine collection of prints
A catalogue of a valuable collection of books, prints, coins, &c. &c.
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the genuine and valuable collection of drawings and prints, a few pictures, books, &c. late the property of the ingenious Mr. John Webber, R.A
Greenwood, John, 1727–1792
A catalogue of a valuable collection of undoubted original drawings and pictures, by the most esteemed ancient and modern Masters
Christie, Mr. (James), 1730–1803
A catalogue of the capital and valuable books of genuine sketches, studies, and designs from nature, books of prints, architecture, musical instruments, and two laymen, of the late celebrated artist, Thos. Gainsborogh, Esq. Decd.
Leigh and Sotheby
A catalogue of a genuine and valuable collection of topographical prints and drawings in England and Wales, the most extensive ever offered to public sale
Hutchins, Mr. (Hassil), active 1779–1789
A catalogue of the extensive and capital collection of prints of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Bute, deceased, consisting of the Italian, German, Flemish, Dutch, French, and English schools, in fine condition